Heinous crimes like sexual harassment at workplace have become a common crime in NYC. Apart from women, men are also becoming victims of this harassment. According to a survey, every year 4/10 cases of sexual harassment are filed by Employment Law Attorney Manhattan in New York.
Sexual harassment with any gender in the workplace makes a dangerous impact on your business, reputation and employee safety. The sexual harassment in the workplace includes –
· Repeated obscene remarks or gestures.
· Teasing related to body or appearance.
· Displaying sexist or other objectionable photographs, digital.
· unwanted sexual advances
· Physical contact such as touching or pinching.
· Invasion of personal space
· Abuse of authority or power in order to jeopardize a person's job or undermine his or her performance against sexual favors.
· Many heinous crimes like
If you, an employee of any gender, have been the victim of sexual harassment in your workplace, Employment Law Attorney Manhattan can help you.